
July 29, 2015

Ford Advices About Best Way to Transport Pets

Ecosport_Pets-2657Following the slogan “A commitment to who it is important for you”, Ford Brazil hold a consumer media oriented event in order to spread safe and reliable orientations for pet owners on how to best transport their animals during car journeys. The initiative was focused on demonstrating and highlighting EcoSport’s features that play an important role in ensuring pet’s welfare.

Besides showing the Brazilian Road Traffic Laws addressing the right way to transport pets and the resulting penalties in case they are not followed, the canine psychologist, Joyce Hashimoto, shared some tips to guarantee pet’s safety, comfort and convenience in a vast range of perspective from psychological and behavioral care to practical advices such as physical activities and pets intelligent toys.

The event was part of Encontros EcoSport (EcoSport Meetings, in English) – a series of lectures and debates to draw attention to everyday aspects of our consumers life. In addition to addressing vehicle safety from the point of view of vehicle technology, it shows that the awareness of drivers is fundamental for the success of the process.

“It’s common to see people taking dogs on your lap or even loose in the car. The most appropriate way is to use a pectoral collar and attach it to the seat belt, or take them in a proper shipping carton, always in the back seat. This prevents the pet to move and distract the attention of the driver, or maybe avoid it is launched forward in case of sudden braking or a collision, “says the expert.

Under the hashtag #MeuPetnoEcoSport (equivalent to My Pet in the EcoSport) it was registered several mentions to Ford in social media channels.
Original source: Ford
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About Ian Bearder
Co-Founder and Chairman of ITS Ukraine.